4 Important Things to Know About Age Related Hearing Loss

One of the truest facts in life is that getting older is impossible to avoid. And when it comes to your hearing, age can also bring on some loss of ability that is oftentimes unavoidable.
Keep in mind the following important things when it comes to identifying and treating age-related hearing loss.
How it Works
Age-related hearing loss is likely just part of the larger causes of loss. But there are several contributing health factors that are more common as you age that can have an effect on your hearing. High blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic conditions can debilitate the sensory cells in your ears that manage hearing. That’s why it’s even more important to manage your overall health as you get older.
Unfortunately, age-related hearing loss is not something you can prevent or control at this time. The best you can do to prevent hearing loss in general is to take steps to avoid noise-induced loss, such as from sudden, loud noises and prolonged, high-decibel volumes. Protect your ears when using heavy machinery and loud landscaping equipment, as well as when you’re exposed to loud concerts or public events.
Identifying Loss
Hearing loss isn’t always sudden – as such, it can be difficult to notice hearing loss and begin treating it before it becomes more of a burden to do so. Have an awareness of the ease with which you can hear phone conversations and group conversations, as well as how often you ask others to speak up, stop mumbling or repeat themselves. These are signs of age-related hearing loss.
Next Steps
While age-related hearing loss is often inevitable, there are ways to treat the loss that can help make your daily life more pleasant for you and for those around you. Contact a physician or specialist, such as an audiologist or otolaryngologist, to plan out your treatment, and consider devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants to improve your listening ability.
Be dutiful – early detection of hearing loss of any kind is always easier to treat than if you put it off. Pay attention to your hearing as you age, and you can improve your situation for years to come.
Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Found in: Health