Audiologist Resources
As a doctor of audiology, you’ve dedicated your life to helping others address their hearing needs. Learn more about how Relay South Dakota can help audiology patients of all ages.
The Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Program (TED) - Your deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind and speech-disabled patients should all know about this important service! It can help them obtain special telephone equipment at no cost, including:
- Amplified phones
- Amplified phone ringers
- Captioned phones
- Cell phone amplifiers
- Headsets
- iPhones and iPads
- Sonic ring signalers
- TTY phones
Traditional Relay Services – These relay services allow text-telephone (TTY) users to communicate with standard telephone users through specially trained relay operators. Calls can be made to anywhere in the world, 24/7.
Internet-Based Relay Services – These relays services make communication even easier than ever! Your patients can use their computer monitor, laptop, tablet or smartphone for captioned conversations and/or Video Relay Service (VRS) for signed conversation.
Audiology Office Information
When you’re talking to patients about their options, remember to include these helpful resources from Relay South Dakota. Better yet, save them a step and have the application form for your region printed and ready to go at your office. As an AuD, you are authorized to sign TED equipment certification forms.
“Be Part of the Conversation” gives the big picture about the TED program and how relay calls work.
"Communicate on the phone again" is available for use with statements.
The “Possibilities” poster is a great visual aid for waiting areas and exam rooms.
Keep multiple TED program application forms on hand. This can be especially helpful for patients who may not have access to the internet or to a printer. Find your location and download as many as you like!
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We do office calls! Click the button below for more information about Relay South Dakota, and to request an outreach specialist presentation for a group of patients or staff.