4 Tips for Protecting Hearing in Teenagers

Noise is a fact of life. From your workplace to your home to your surroundings out and about, you’re exposed to some high-decibel sound fairly frequently.
But think about how much more high-volume noise your teenager is exposed to on a daily basis.
Teens more than ever are at risk of hearing loss related to prolonged exposure to noise. Keep the following four factors in mind when it comes to your child’s hearing.
1. The Volume
These days, earbuds are practically fused to most teenagers, so it’s pretty much impossible to avoid headphone use on any given day. So the most achievable goal is to manage their music volume – and it helps considerably. If your teenager turns down his or her music to a level of about two-thirds of the maximum volume and limits this type of headphone use to an hour or two a day, it will have a positive effect on his or her hearing long-term.
2. The Signs
Keeping your eyes peeled for the signs of hearing loss can be a big factor in helping your teenager maintain healthy hearing for years to come. If you see symptoms early, it will dampen the amount of future impairment. About 50% of teens show signs of hearing loss – and these can range from buzzing to physical ear pain to ringing noises. Ask your teen if he or she is experiencing any of these regularly.
3. The Equipment
Earmuffs can go a long way toward prolonging good hearing in your teen. High-volume noise is just a fact of everyday life – from large gatherings of people to running high-decibel equipment to loud events at concert venues or sporting arenas. Protective equipment helps prevent these typical noisy incidents from being damaging.
4. The Screening
It can never hurt to just get them tested. While hearing screenings are typically administered early in a newborn’s life, there’s no reason you can’t have a follow-up test done to check in on how hearing is maintaining in your teen. After all, adolescents who struggle with hearing struggle in other areas, such as schoolwork. Contact your nearest audiologist to check in on the state of your child’s hearing.
Keep vigilant
So watch for the signs and talk to your teen about the importance of protecting his or her hearing. It’ll be worth it to maintain optimum hearing for the long-term.
Sources: Siemens, Hearing Health
Found in: Health