5 Signs You Need to Address Your Hearing Loss

It’s not always easy to tell when your hearing loss has become serious enough that you need to take steps to treat it. But there are several signs and symptoms of a pressing need to address your hearing loss.
Here are just a few of the day-to-day signs that it’s time.
How you look
Part of knowing when it’s time to address your hearing loss is seeing the physical changes that have occurred due to the loss. This can include tired eyes from struggling to understand conversations and general fatigue that comes with straining to hear in social situations.
How you listen
When you’re listening to the other halves of conversations, you might find yourself adjusting your position or leaning in closer in order to hear – this can be a sign of needed care for your hearing loss. In addition, you may also find yourself lip-reading in order to get a better understanding of what the other person is saying.
How you feel
Hearing loss can affect you medically as well – and not just when it comes to your ears themselves. Beyond ringing or buzzing in your ears, other surefire signs it’s time to address your hearing loss might include thyroid issues, diabetes and medication that has an effect on your hearing, such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.
How you interact
If you’re finding more and more often that you ask people to repeat themselves when interacting with others, it’s likely a sign to address your hearing loss. Monitor yourself – do you struggle with group conversations with a lot of cross-talk or do others’ normal speaking voices sound like mumbles?
How you act
The way you react to social situations emotionally can also be a sign that it’s time to address your hearing loss. If communication is stressful and you avoid it in order to avoid strain or embarrassment, your hearing loss has begun to affect your daily life. Other actions that indicate it’s time include nervousness around others, annoyance with those who struggle to speak with you and staying home to avoid get-togethers.
Stay vigilant
It’ll take your own realizations and actions to make sure you’re getting the best care you need to improve or maintain your hearing – look for the signs, and don’t ignore them.
Sources: Miracle Ear®
Found in: Health