5 Tips for Managing Hearing Loss in the Workplace

Hearing loss can add unnecessary stress and potentially even hinder performance in the workplace. It’s crucial to make sure you and your employer are on the same page so you can perform to the best of your ability at work.
Take a look at these five tips to help you work through hearing loss.
1. Let Co-Workers Know
Your hearing loss won’t always be apparent to colleagues. Many people may assume that you completely understand what is being said in meetings and conversations. Don’t be afraid to make your supervisors and other co-workers aware of your hearing loss. This will help you avoid communication issues that may end up hurting your performance.
2. Know Your Needs and Prepare
Since you know about your hearing loss better than anyone, make sure you’re prepared to minimize any issues that could arise as a result. Know what your responsibilities are, and have a plan to present solutions or accommodations to your co-workers. Proper preparation will reduce stress and assure you perform to the best of your abilities.
3. Request Written Items
When it comes to important meetings or conversations, you don’t want to miss out on any essential details. Ask for transcripts or notes so you have a complete understanding of what people said. This will keep you on the same page as your colleagues. Requesting these items in advance can help you in preparation for meetings.
4. Embrace Devices
Don’t be embarrassed to pursue assistive listening devices. Millions of people have hearing loss, and addressing it will reduce stress and help your job performance. Ask your employer about assistance with purchasing these types of devices and whether or not your employer-provided health insurance package covers any or all of the costs. Be sure to explain your situation, the potential and cost estimations. The more preparation you do, the easier it is for your boss to provide accommodations.
5. Optimize Your Environment
Lastly, make sure your environment is suitable for your hearing loss. Since you may rely on visual cues or require a quieter space, ask what can be done to keep excess noise or poor lighting to a minimum.
For more information on assisting you and your employer:
Found in: Lifestyle