Does Age-Related Hearing Loss Lead to Depression?

Depression and age-related hearing loss are two incredibly complex and difficult situations that impact everyone differently. While no two people have the exact same experience with hearing loss, the National Council on the Aging (NCOA) found that older people with untreated hearing loss have higher rates of depression, anxiety, paranoia and were less likely to participate in organized social activities when compared to those who wear hearing aids.
Read on to learn more about how age-related hearing loss leads to isolation and loneliness.
Coping with hearing loss can be difficult, especially as people age. For many seniors, hearing loss is a sign that they are aging and addressing the issue by getting a hearing aid makes it real to them. So, instead, they deny that their hearing is getting worse, and their social interactions take the hit. It becomes more difficult for them to talk on the phone, so they don’t call their family as much. When they talk to people in person, they find themselves saying “what?” a lot, so they avoid social situations. All these factors combined lead to seniors feeling isolated and lonely which, over time, can lead to depression.
The fact of the matter is that age-related hearing loss is common and not something to be ashamed of. Tackling the issue head-on with a hearing aid, assistive devices or a cochlear implant can greatly improve the quality of life of those who have difficulty hearing.
If you have a loved one who may be dealing with hearing loss, get them in touch with a hearing professional and help them get the assistance they need to reclaim their hearing.
For more tips on how to help a parent diagnosed with hearing loss, visit our blog: Your Parent Has Been Diagnosed With Hearing Loss. Now What? For more tools and resources, check out Top 5 Online Resources for Age-Related Hearing Loss.
Found in: Health