Hearing Aids and Accessories: Supplementing Your Hearing

Hearing aids alone don’t make up your arsenal of tools to maximize your hearing ability. In fact, your hearing aids and assistive listening devices require care and attention to work best.
Make sure you’ve factored in the following accessories for hearing aid care.
Whether it’s a simple cover, a sweatband or a carrying case, keeping your hearing aid in good working condition is important, so protection plays a big role. There are many accessories with which you can maintain the quality of your aids. A standard cover will prevent damage from dirt and dust and shouldn’t alter your ability to hear through material that doesn’t muffle sound. A sweatband functions similarly, offering preventative measures to keep from losing the ability to hear in weather-induced moisture or due to excess sweating.
Cleaning and care
You’ll also need to occasionally clean your hearing aids and assistive listening devices. But they shouldn’t be cleaned and cared for with just any spray or cloth. Make sure you properly care for your aids with hearing aid wipes and an air blower to clear out the excess debris. It can’t hurt to pick yourself up a full hearing aid cleaning kit to ensure you have all the essentials. (And don’t forget cleaning goes both ways – your ears can be cleaned with doctor-approved gels, creams and drops, depending on your needs.)
There are various levels of tools for keeping your hearing aids moisture-free and operational, so it all depends on your commitment to cleanliness. From something as simple as cleaning pads to immersive “spa” cleaners, just make sure that you have a tool at your disposal to accomplish regular drying. Your body creates a lot of moisture, so it’s important to stay on top of this to keep your aids functional for the long haul.
Having spare batteries on hand is crucial – when your power gives out, you’ll need backups to maintain your hearing until you can recharge. These small batteries can be delicate, so it’s also a good idea to have a protective battery case on hand to keep them in good working condition.
Take care
Being kind to your hearing aids will pay off in spades – your devices will continue to function properly for the long-term and it’ll optimize you ability to hear in the near-term.
Found in: Technology