Making Connections Easy – The Advantages of Relay’s TED Program

Connection is so critical in your everyday life – but it’s impossible to find it without the right tools. Tasks like answering the phone, dialing a number and general communication can mean different things for different people. For someone who is deaf, is hard of hearing or has a speech disability, finding the right equipment is paramount.
Luckily, the solution is easy. Relay South Dakota offers an efficient, no-cost way of bridging this telecommunication gap. That is through our TED program.
What is the TED Program?
As one of our most utilized programs, TED is a service in which Relay SD provides qualifying residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability with no-cost phone equipment. Devices we offer under TED include TTY, Mobile, Amplified and Captioned Phones.
- TTY allows you to type and read messages. It’s especially helpful for people without access to affordable broadband.
- Mobile – All iPad/iPhone options include access relay services, video calls (FaceTime), voiceover and other built-in accessibility features and apps pre-loaded based on disability.
- Amplified Phones – All options include powerful speakers that amplify the caller’s voice so you can hear more easily.
- Captioned Phones – These allow you to listen and read captions of everything during your phone conversations – like real-time captions on TV.
Do I Qualify?
Qualifying for the program is easier than you might think. All users have to do is complete an application and meet certain eligibility requirements. To qualify, individuals must:
- Be a South Dakota resident
- Have access to telecommunication services, or have applied for a service
- Be deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech disability
You can apply by filling out our online form or downloading a regional application and completing it at home. And that’s it!
Now, the only question you have to ask yourself is: Are you ready to communicate effectively with new Relay South Dakota phone equipment? If your answer is “yes,” then TED is your ticket.
Still unsure? Have additional questions you’d like to talk with someone about? Contact our outreach team!
(888) 304-2311 Voice/TTY
(605) 394-6864 Voice/TTY
Found in: Technology