How Treating Your Hearing Loss Treats More than Your Hearing

When you are hearing impaired, adding an assistive-listening device (ALD) or hearing aid to your daily life can be advantageous – after all, it’ll help you have conversations and interact with others more clearly and easily.
But utilizing these devices can have an even bigger impact on your long-term health and quality of life beyond just being able to listen better.
Here are just a few of the positive side effects of using ALDs and hearing aids.
Read the article4 Tips for Stress Relief in People with Hearing Loss

Social interactions and conversations under certain circumstances can be stressful or cause anxiety. Introduce hearing impairment into the equation, and stress can escalate quickly for both people involved.
But it doesn’t have to.
Don’t let frustration and stress seep into your day-to-day conversations. Try out these tips.
Read the articleCombating Listener Fatigue in People with Hearing Loss

When you’ve suffered from hearing loss, just listening to someone for great lengths of time can be exhausting. What those with normal hearing may not understand is that “listener fatigue” is a real problem for hearing-impaired people.
Read the articleWhat Causes Hearing Loss?

A variety of factors can contribute to hearing loss, some of which are more prevalent than others. When it comes to prevention and precaution, knowledge of these causes can go a long way. Here are some of the triggers that can cause damage or rupture.
Read the article