4 Common Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss

Not all hearing loss is brought on gradually through aging or other causes. Sometimes hearing loss can occur suddenly—and it’s not always immediately evident why. Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only approximately 10-15 percent of sudden hearing loss is actually diagnosable.
Nevertheless, here are four common, identifiable causes.
Read the articleHow Treating Hearing Loss Affects Your Physical and Mental Health

Rule No. 1 when it comes to hearing loss – don’t let it cause you to be anti-social or retreat from spending quality time with friends and family. One of the best ways to avoid this pitfall is to make efforts to treat your hearing loss, whether it’s assistive listening devices (ALDs) or hearing aids.
Here are just some of the many health benefits of taking the time to treat your hearing loss.
Read the article5 Steps to Managing Severe Hearing Loss

Hearing loss happens because of losses of or damage to cilia, the tiny hairs located in your inner ear. Because these hairs can’t be regenerated, it is important to note that any treatment for hearing loss will likely not restore your original levels of hearing ability.
Read the article6 Tips for Protecting Your Hearing This Summer

Summer is the season for outdoor activities and getting out of dodge – but many of these frequent events can bring some undue noise and ear pressure to your hearing.
Look out for the following six scenarios in which your hearing might be at risk and may require extra caution and care through protective plugs and muffs.
Read the article4 Important Things to Know About Age Related Hearing Loss

One of the truest facts in life is that getting older is impossible to avoid. And when it comes to your hearing, age can also bring on some loss of ability that is oftentimes unavoidable.
Keep in mind the following important things when it comes to identifying and treating age-related hearing loss.
Read the articleHow to Combat Farming Hearing Loss

In South Dakota, it’s a foregone conclusion that most people will be exposed to agriculture and farming in some capacity, whether it’s a friend or family member who owns, operates or works on or near a farm.
But with farming comes a lot of potential for hearing damage. Keep the following tips in mind to combat farming-related hearing loss.
Read the article5 Signs You Need to Address Your Hearing Loss

It’s not always easy to tell when your hearing loss has become serious enough that you need to take steps to treat it. But there are several signs and symptoms of a pressing need to address your hearing loss.
Here are just a few of the day-to-day signs that it’s time.
Read the articleProtect Yourself from Hearing Loss on the Job

While your employer should make every effort to provide a safe working environment for you and your fellow employees, some jobs require a certain degree of exposure to noise throughout the day, whether it’s sudden or ongoing.
Regardless of your own situation, there are ways to prevent short- and long-term hearing loss that results from a noisy workplace.
Read the article4 Ways You’re Damaging Your Ears

Just because it’s always been done, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the right thing to do. Some standard practices when it comes to your ears, from cleaning to listening, have the potential to do more harm than good in the long run.
The following are some ways in which you might be doing damage to your ears.
Read the article4 Tips for Protecting Hearing in Teenagers

Noise is a fact of life. From your workplace to your home to your surroundings out and about, you’re exposed to some high-decibel sound fairly frequently.
But think about how much more high-volume noise your teenager is exposed to on a daily basis.
Teens more than ever are at risk of hearing loss related to prolonged exposure to noise. Keep the following four factors in mind when it comes to your child’s hearing.
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